Wednesday, November 23, 2011

LMFAO?s Epic Fashion Fail

I get it, LMFAO is supposed to be totally absurd. But they dress so horribly that it is kind of embarrassing. After seeing them at the AMAs over the weekend, I have to give them a big fashion fail. I really can?t stand their music. Not to be negative, but after the ten-millionth time their songs come on the radio I am ready to just flip out. For the first time, I actually saw them perform and I couldn?t believe what I was seeing. The most ridiculous music that actually matched the guys performing. It was insane. So even though I know they are doing it on purpose, I can?t help but include them in this column. Let?s hope this isn?t something that catches on. Otherwise I might be embarrassed to be a human being. No, really. Photos: Chan


Jenny McCarthy Jessica Alba

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